Biochemic Mode of Action:
The most abundant tissue salt in the body, Calc Phos assists with the digestion and assimilation of food and is thus vitally important for the building of all new cells. Sturdy bones, body structures and a robust constitution are dependent on Calcium Phosphate. An excellent tonic for growing children and the elderly, Calc Phos is an excellent supplemental tonic with any allopathic or complementary treatment. Calc Phos is renowned for its superb restorative powers that help to speed up convalescence and replenish the body’s reserves.
Calc Phos is indicated to assist:
Growing children
Growth pain
Clear, slightly sticky ‘glazed doughnut’ mucus, characteristic of colds
Weak teeth that crumble or crack
Convalescence tonic
Blood cell builder
Healing of fractures
Frail or fretful dispositions
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