Silicea is indicated to assist:

Optimal ageing
Scar tissue and keloids
Problem skin
Dull, weak, lifeless hair
Hair loss and balding
Boils, abscesses, styes and pimples
Involuntary twitching of eyes or muscles
Weak nails
Nail biting
โ€œShort fuseโ€ easily blown
Whinging children

Facial Analysis Signs:

Wrinkles and โ€œcrowโ€™s feetโ€
Shiny, glossy tip of the nose
Eyes appear deeply sunken in the sockets

* We advise caution in extended usage of Silicea in situations where medication is prescribed to prevent the rejection of transplanted organs or artificial implants. In these cases, it is better to substitute with Bioplasma.


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CEO of AllisOne Products and founder of the Biochemic Institute of SA, Alison is a bio-energetic natural health practitioner - teacher in the modalities of Tissue Salts and Aura-Somaยฎ. Based in Claremont, Cape Town, she presents her biochemic workshops locally and internationally. Her original lactose-free range of AllisOne tissue salts (2005) and Synergy combinations (2011) are available in health stores and exported to the EU and Japan.
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